Find your truth

Friday, May 01, 2015

Error message punish people for not behaving like Machines

Error Messages-Can't use that name.png
Error messages punish people for not behaving like machines. It is time we let people behave like people. When a problem arises, we should call it machine error, not human error: the machine was designed wrong, demanding that we conform to its peculiar requirements. It is time to design and build machines that conform to our requirements. Stop confronting us: Collaborate with us.
 Read more on this. Above was taken from from below site.
Reference :

Quote of the day

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”
— Isaac Asimov

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This Coach Improved Every Tiny Thing By 1% And Here's What Happened

Very Insightful article... (Courtesy of James Clear)

In 2010, Dave Brailsford faced a tough job.
No British cyclist had ever won the Tour de France, but as the new General Manager and Performance Director for Team Sky (Great Britain's professional cycling team), Brailsford was asked to change that.
His approach was simple.
Brailsford believed in a concept that he referred to as the "aggregation of marginal gains." He explained it as "the 1 percent margin for improvement in everything you do." His belief was that if you improved every area related to cycling by just 1 percent, then those small gains would add up to remarkable improvement.
They started by optimizing the things you might expect: the nutrition of riders, their weekly training program, the ergonomics of the bike seat, and the weight of the tires.
But Brailsford and his team didn't stop there. They searched for 1 percent improvements in tiny areas that were overlooked by almost everyone else: discovering the pillow that offered the best sleep and taking it with them to hotels, testing for the most effective type of massage gel, and teaching riders the best way to wash their hands to avoid infection. They searched for 1 percent improvements everywhere.
Brailsford believed that if they could successfully execute this strategy, then Team Sky would be in a position to win the Tour de France in five years time.
He was wrong. They won it in three years.
In 2012, Team Sky rider Sir Bradley Wiggins became the first British cyclist to win the Tour de France. That same year, Brailsford coached the British cycling team at the 2012 Olympic Games and dominated the competition by winning 70 percent of the gold medals available.
In 2013, Team Sky repeated their feat by winning the Tour de France again, this time with rider Chris Froome. Many have referred to the British cycling feats in the Olympics and the Tour de France over the past 10 years as the most successful run in modern cycling history.
And now for the important question: what can we learn from Brailsford's approach?

The Aggregation of Marginal Gains

It's so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making better decisions on a daily basis.
Almost every habit that you have — good or bad — is the result of many small decisions over time.
And yet, how easily we forget this when we want to make a change.
So often we convince ourselves that change is only meaningful if there is some large, visible outcome associated with it. Whether it is losing weight, building a business, traveling the world or any other goal, we often put pressure on ourselves to make some earth-shattering improvement that everyone will talk about.
Meanwhile, improving by just 1 percent isn't notable (and sometimes it isn't evennoticeable). But it can be just as meaningful, especially in the long run.
And from what I can tell, this pattern works the same way in reverse. (An aggregation of marginal losses, in other words.) If you find yourself stuck with bad habits or poor results, it's usually not because something happened overnight. It's the sum of many small choices — a 1 percent decline here and there — that eventually leads to a problem.

Inspiration for this image came from a graphic in The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.
In the beginning, there is basically no difference between making a choice that is 1 percent better or 1 percent worse. (In other words, it won't impact you very much today.) But as time goes on, these small improvements or declines compound and you suddenly find a very big gap between people who make slightly better decisions on a daily basis and those who don't. This is why small choices ("I'll take a burger and fries") don't make much of a difference at the time, but add up over the long-term.
On a related note, this is why I love setting a schedule for important things, planning for failure, and using the "never miss twice" rule. I know that it's not a big deal if I make a mistake or slip up on a habit every now and then. It's the compound effect of never getting back on track that causes problems. By setting a schedule to never miss twice, you can prevent simple errors from snowballing out of control.

The Bottom Line

Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. - Jim Rohn

You probably won't find yourself in the Tour de France anytime soon, but the concept of aggregating marginal gains can be useful all the same.
Most people love to talk about success (and life in general) as an event. We talk about losing 50 pounds or building a successful business or winning the Tour de France as if they are events. But the truth is that most of the significant things in life aren't stand-alone events, but rather the sum of all the moments when we chose to do things 1 percent better or 1 percent worse. Aggregating these marginal gains makes a difference.
There is power in small wins and slow gains. This is why average speed yields above average results. This is why the system is greater than the goal. This is why mastering your habits is more important than achieving a certain outcome.
Where are the 1 percent improvements in your life?

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Invoking our luck

Interesting read...

It is said that " Man is an architect of his own destiny ". Deep thinking is required to understand this term.Over the years, we have created many superstitions and rituals around luck, like black cat crossing our path ,wearing a lucky charm on our Wrist a lot of our time in these beliefs,hoping that they will change our luck. Do these beliefs or superstitions have any connection with our luck or destiny ? NO !!!!!!

If you think you are stuck in life,then accept it and find a way out. The most practical way is just by changing our attitude and outlook towards whatever it is that we are stuck into. Find the opportunity within the scenario that you are in. However bleak it may seem, there will be at least an opportunity to learn something new, to grow and enrich your life.

We can make our life full and Worthwhile by seeing the opportunities, rather then obstacles. A lucky person is one who see the opportunites , for this we need to pratices being in the present and engaging with the present.

Check What it is that is blocking you from grabbing opportunities. We create our own limits (Blockages) and become stuck in our comfort zones. Embrace life as it is this makes us more open to life and its opportunities.Never judge or compare your luck with others, rather see and appreciate the opportunities and fortune that you have.We can only be loving and respectful to others when we are so to ourselves.

We use so little of our potential !!!! Each of us has our own uniqueness ( Specialities ). When we understand our potential we can see what we can become. Within each of us there is a hidden treasure, it is just about getting through the debris to the beauty within us and INVOKING OUR LUCK.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

The seeds of Grace - Jeff Foster

Nice Article by Jeff Foster
The unexpected end of a long-term relationship. A broken-open heart. A body that's falling to pieces. Wealth or livelihood that vanishes overnight. A loved one in terrible pain. Not knowing what to do or say. Feeling helpless in the midst of the madness.
Life presents us with a series of challenges, sometimes intense and seemingly insurmountable challenges! And in the midst of the falling-apart of dreams, we are called to stay present, and remain open for the appearance of intelligent and compassionate solutions. And if no solutions come, we are called to stay present anyway. To be here, now, no matter what. To dignify the ground upon which we stand, and therefore to dignify the entire Universe by remembering ourselves.
It IS possible to live a life without problems, no matter what they say. Challenging situations will always come, of course! Let's not deny the realities of the relative world. Situations will sometimes seem unfair or unwanted, of course. Our happy dreams of 'what was meant to happen' will often explode on the bonfire of life, of course.
But do not despair! There are always seeds of grace within the rubble, if we have eyes to see them. Forms can disintegrate, yes, but Love, the Love that gives birth to the stars, cannot die. Some plants need to burn to complete their life cycle.
It is thought (sometimes called "mind") that turns situations (happenings) into problems (unwanted or negative happenings). Thought resists the natural flow of life, says NO to what is, tries to turn against the way things are, and truly believes that resistance will eventually lead to inner and outer peace.
Thought tries to press 'REWIND' or 'FAST-FORWARD' on the movie of life. It tries to get back to a previous scene (the past, when things were better), or skip to the next scene (the future, when things will be better). But life is here, now: the present scene! Life is happening, before thought judges it as a 'good' or 'bad' happening.
This moment is life in its fullness.
The mind will try to find every justification for unhappiness, of course. It will always blame external circumstances, people, objects, substances or the absence of them, and feel 'right' and 'confident' in its justifications. But what if our happiness is never actually dependent upon external things? What if our happiness is rooted in inner silence and deep presence? What if every apparent 'problem' is really a giant invitation to stop, come out of the drama of past and future and the forever-incomplete-story of 'me', stop rewinding and fast-forwarding, and begin to fall in love with where we are, with the life we have been given, even if we imagine it's not the life we wanted?
Be here now. It's a teaching that never ages:
Taking her last breath, a woman feels the peace of an entire universe at rest. Having lost all of his money, a man discovers the joy of giving without fear or expectation. In the midst of a broken-open heart, someone learns to open their heart even wider, so wide the entire universe can pour in. In the rubble of an exploded building, an unexpected connection is made, a kindness happens that breaks thousands of years of karma and reverberates for more than seven generations in every direction.
Finding the wanted in the midst of the unwanted, discovering love in the seemingly unlovable; this is the path of grace!

Jeff Foster

1000 Awesome thing blog

Wonderful life blog

1000 Awesome things

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Quote of the day

Monday, February 10, 2014

Thought of the day

Friday, February 07, 2014

Music videos - 90's were the best

Bhagavad Gita Chapter II - Verse 66

Courtesy of

Verse 66 of revered Bhagawad Gita - Chapter II

Verse 66